Sunday, 14 March 2010

Mums Day

♥ TODAY in the UK is MOTHERS DAY ♥

My children woke me early this morning full of excitement, they wanted to give me my cards, shower me with kisses and wish me a "Happy Mummys Day"

These are what the children brought home from school on Friday for me.

You see that love heart biscuit? {there were 3 of them but Emily and I had one each on the way home from school !!}

The one here was not there for long, within seconds of this photo being taken a little hand reached up and it was gone.......

I am extremely proud of Emily for making me this gift.  I know just how hard she will have had to work on this with the difficulties she has with her fine motor skills.  I know she will have found this really tough.  {sewing/threading}

THANK YOU DARLING ~ your determination is my inspiration xx

Mothers Day......... we haven't done anything special, we took Emily to her therapy session as we do every Sunday and then did the only thing I would want to do and that's spend time with each other.

I've been quite emotional today though ~ emotional for many reasons. 

Reflecting on the past 3 1/2 years and just how far we have come, thinking of the future and what lies ahead. 

Feeling very very lucky for the life that I have and for my two beautiful children that teach me something new every single day. 

This evening I have realised though - that my emotion runs deeper than that and is more based on just how grateful I am ~ so very very grateful that I have still been given the chance to tell my own Mum just how much I Love Her and to wish her a "Very Happy Mothers Day" {read here}

1 comment:

  1. Oh so sweet! I love when they make gifts for us at school!
