Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Thank You Siobhan

I am sure from my previous posts - you will be realising that I am very sad that it is time for Emily to move on to pastures new....... [excited but sad]

You will have now guessed that Emilys one-to-one Support Worker Siobhan was [is] amazing

So I just wanted to share with you the gift we gave to her when Emily finished her Graduation Concert last week....

The Exchange

We had a photo book made of her time spent with our Special Daughter, they built a lovely relationship together and I know Emily will always have a special place in her heart, so what better thing to have other than memories........ photographs [how did you know I was going to say that!!!]

Siobhans response {whilst crying of course}

"Thank You ~ I will cherish it forever"

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet sweet thing you did....I am still wiping the tears from my eyes.
