Friday, 9 September 2011

Week 2 - The Build

The machinery [and men of course!] have been busy, busy, busy


The very very deep hole is complete ready for the foundations


We encountered a little problem based around the water pipes but was overcome by going deeper than planned and bridging the pipework [under the instructions of Mr Building Inspector]

It means that we have an 8ft deep hole around our house ~ not a good mix with young children and being on the path side of the house, hence the wire fencing to keep it as safe as possible

Photobucket   Photobucket

I've lost count of how many skips came emply and left us 'over' full

1, 2, 3, 4............. no  definately more than that.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

School Dayz..

Both my little beauties are back at school


Wishing you both a wonderful School Year full of Fun, Laughter and Learning