Friday, 25 June 2010

Pre-op Yesterday

You will recall my post with regards to the wobble Emily has developed in her eyes (Nystagmus) - if not you can view it here.

Well the date for the MRI scan has quickly arrived :>(     Her appointment is on Monday at 10:15.

We had her pre-op appointment yesterday, she had to have this as unfortunately due to her age, learning disabilities and sensory issues Emily has to go under general anaesthetic for the MRI and eye examination to be carried out.

The nurse I saw advised that the MRI and then immediately afterwards the eye examination would probably take around one and half hours perhaps a little longer.  {gulp} that's an hour longer than I had anticipated!

I would be lying if I said I was OK and calm about Monday, I'm not!  It's common knowledge that anaesthetic and epilepsy are not a good mix.  I have requested that I am present - so I can see for myself that she is OK in that tunnel, with the history of Emilys seizures I need to be 100% sure that she is out of that machine pronto so her rescue meds can be given if needed.

I am sure everything will be fine - but please just give my little angel a prayer on Sunday evening can you?


  1. Good luck!! I will be thinking of you and saying some prayers. Hopefully it will be over quickly and then you can get her back home.

  2. Just reading this now. How did things go? Hope all is well! ((H))

  3. Susana Martinez29 June 2010 at 08:27

    Susana (claudia´s mother) here! Hope everything went fine! Toons of kisses to you and your cutie daughter!

